
Bioinformatics Support

New Generation Sequencing

As NGS platforms can generate massive data the scientists started to face the ever-increasing requirements for data analysis and interpretation. While the cost for sequencing of genetic material has significantly decreased the investment for software development, analysis design, computational infrastructure and consolidated experience in the field have become the limiting part for many labs or professionals.

Databion Platform delivers a consolidated analytical platform with the support of experts in bioinformatics, data science and molecular biology to answer the most urgent and growing needs in the field.


We’ve designed three service packages targeted for specific customer requirements.



Access to the analytical platform with the option to benefit from our standard pipelines.
  • variant marking and annotating,
  • gene predictions,
  • DNA-Seq,
  • RNA-Seq and many more.


Access to the analytical platform with its standard pipelines. Bioinformatic support at the phase of data preparation.


Access to the analytical platform and the full bioinformatic support at every analytical phase with the preparation of dedicated analytical pipelines
  • de-novo assembly,
  • epigenetic analysis.